YAY ITS FINALLY SUMMER (well summer is coming) THIS IS SO AWESOME NO MORE SKOOL IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!:D :) GOOD BYE SKOOL AND HELLO SUMMER VACATION! and i cant find the button on how to take a screenshot pic so sorry i wanted a pic of me saying "what are you going to do this summer?" sorry for no pic. by the way minime where are you you never come on anymore?
ok you may of seen this but there are some new thingys and the reason why I didn't post this sooner is because there was a problom in my computer so now its fixed horray :P Anyway... I'm sorry but..Yeah click to enlarge!
Hey guys il be starting a program!!Basicly its called chobot styles and its my ideas for chobot clothes,cool styles send me ur ideas in the comment area,oh yea!!All most forgot herea 1 of my ideas it just came up randomly after i did nichos mission then bought same hair XD cya round guya bai! (school is anoyying im missing all the partys:(((()
i know this picture is not really good but i dont know how to like shrink pictures if i did i would shrink the picture of an agent badge and erage the A and make a T78 on it but you get a Thunder badge when i see a good drawing in grafiddi so yeah lol so as always,click to enlarge